
Showing posts from June, 2016

The Life Pareto Principle

How To Use The 80/20 Rule For Goal Setting I write on Christian Pareto Principle few months past, and now I want to share with you on The Life Pareto Principle. According to this principle:  20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your results.  It can change the way you set goals forever. The 80/20 rule is also called the  “Pareto Principle” named after it’s founder, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto from 1895. He noticed that people in society seemed to divide naturally into what he called the  “vital few,”  or the top 20 percent in terms of money and influence, and the  “trivial many,”  or the bottom 80 percent. Later, he discovered that virtually all economic activity was subject to this principle, in that 80 percent of the wealth of Italy during that time was controlled by 20 percent of the population. We can take Pareto’s 80/20 rule and apply it to almost any situation. In particular, we can apply it to goal setting and productivity.   80/2

The Timely Identification By Optimist IBK

This is the Subject I address on in a Programme at THE NEW CREATURE CHURCH CAMP GROUND CHURCH on 4th of June 2016. Ultimate Questions Every human being who has ever lived or will ever live has asked, is asking, or will ask four basic questions. They are the same four basic questions no matter where you live, whether you are in Asia, Africa, Europe, or North America, whether you lived in the first century, the twenty-first century; or, if the Lord should tarry, the thirty-first century. In fact, virtually every serious question can be boiled down to one of these four: Who am I? Why am I here? What is wrong with the world? How can what is wrong be made right? We may not all articulate those questions with those exact words, but in our soul each of us wrestles with those four basic questions for the identification of our purpose on earth. If we ask our culture these four questions we get one set of answers. But their answers leave us wanting and empty. How then s