
Showing posts from January 15, 2016

The Keys to a Successful Relationship

The Keys to a Successful Relationship by Tom Murcko A relationship is like a dance: to stay close without stepping on each other's toes takes practice. – Harriet Lerner, The Dance of Intimacy Being in a loving long-term romantic relationship is one of the surest routes to long term happiness. But it doesn’t happen naturally, it requires certain skills. The good news is that these skills can all be developed, they’re all skills you should already be developing, and they’ll help you with all your other relationships as well. Here they are: Expectations: Discuss what you each expect out of the relationship, what you’re committing to, and what your respective roles will be. Expect ups and downs in even the best relationship, and realize that love isn’t an absolute that you’re either in or out of but something that ebbs and flows over time. Openness: Open communication


Optimist-Ibk Optimist-Ibk From # Optimist_Ibk Desk. Today I will be writing my article on # FOGIVE with Ten (10) keys of Forgiveness. Have you ever said – I will never forgive that person? Or how about - I will forgive, but will never forget? if you were the victim of a crime, or had a relative who died as a result of a crime – could you forgive the person responsible? This doesn’t even address the question of whether others can forgive us for things we may have said or done in anger, where we regret it later, or wish that we could take it back and be forgiven for our actions or statements. Whether it is a specific act or just words that are very hurtful; chances are we will have a number of lifetime experiences that will raise the issue of forgiveness, consciously or subconsciously. Forgiveness is perhaps one of the most emotional and psychological experiences we will ever encounter. It involves feelings of anger, revenge, resentment, hurt, hostility, sadness, bitterness, retalia