
Showing posts from August 12, 2016

Seven Types of Christians God Doesn’t Use

Years ago I prayed a very dangerous prayer.  I repeated these words from Isaiah 6:8 : “Here am I. Send me.” Then I cringed. I knew God would mess me up good in order to use me to touch others for Christ. I wanted God to use me, but I was painfully aware that we don’t just go out and start a ministry on our own terms. God bends and breaks those who speak for Him. He requires full surrender. I had to let go of fears, adjust attitudes and change priorities. It has become popular today to suggest that God can use anybody. It’s true that He does not show favoritism based on race, age, gender, marital history, past failures or income status. Yet His standards have never been lowered; He only uses humble, obedient, consecrated followers. Many Christians will never be useful in the kingdom because of mindsets or behaviors that limit the flow of the Holy Spirit or, as the apostle Paul said in Galatians 2:21 (KJV), “frustrate the grace of God.” I don’t ever want to frustrate His grace! If