
Showing posts from 2016

Your Guide In 2017

Let it guide You, where ever and whichever way you go. You need it as a manual for your life. As Christians , there's an understanding that we have a manual to follow, to guide us, so we don't miss our way.  There are just some things you cannot do as a Christian.  Ladies, as the year is rounding up, I want us to look back and reflect on our lives . how have we been living? Is it a life God would be proud of. That's the person you should be very concerned about. Even if nobody else is seeing You, God is. How do you treat your partner. Is God going to be proud of you.  How do you treat the people around You? How do you interact with your friends.  Are you portraying Christ?  I heard a statement some days back from a man. He said what is the meaning of all the make up you put on when you don't have a good atittude. He was talking to a lady, and the thing struck me.  Let our lives, attitude, behaviours portray Christ.. . Bible says ' Looking up to Jesus.... That should


I'm told that the number one problem facing people today is grief and loneliness. People encounter major losses in their lives, and sadly, many never get over them. When tragedy occurs and the hurt seems unbearable, Satan sees an opportunity to try to bring a family or an individual into permanent bondage. The death of a loved one, divorce or the severing of a close relationship can cause grief, and most people go through a  grieving process . The key to victory is understanding the difference between a normal, balanced grieving process and a  spirit of grief  that will try to attach itself to the hurting person. One helps the grieving person get better with the passing of time; the other causes him to get worse and sink deeper and deeper into the pit of despair.  I believe that one of the reasons why people, especially Christians, get into bondage during these trying times is a lack of understanding about the grieving process. This process is a succession of events that may

The Best Project You'll Ever Work On Is You

Contents             Why? 10 tips for doing your best What some famous people say What kids say Optimist ibk say Putting your best foot forward is another way of saying 'try your hardest to do your best'. Why? Well, why not!    Think about whatever you are doing, school work, jobs at home, sport, learning to play an instrument etc. If you are doing it anyway why not try your best? If you are not trying to do your best then, whose time are you wasting? YOURS! We all have different talents and abilities. There are very few of us who can excel in everything we do. But we can all take pride and satisfaction in knowing that we have done our best. It's a great 'feel good' feeling! Who would you rather have in your sports team, your friendship group, your project group or even in your family? Someone who 'can't be bothered' or someone who you can rely on to try their very hardest to carry out whatever task they h

Make Your Best Self. empowering you

Imagine living in a world where everyone is fundamentally good inside, everyone is out to help you, and everyone wants the very best for you. Imagine how it would feel to live in a world where the majority of the population wanted only the very best for each other, and they did their best to make the world a better place. Well I will tell you a secret, that is the world I live in, and you can too. I once read a book called the soul-mate experience, and in it, the authors introduced to me an idea that should re-frame the way we view all of our relationships. They suggest that we assume that our partner is doing the very best that they can to please us and make us happy. Even if our partner hurts us, makes mistakes, or disappoints us, if we assume that they are doing their best- with what they currently have and know in life- then that relationship can be a much happier and loving space. This idea doesn’t have to only live in our relationships of intimacy, it can take hold in our ent

The More Excellence Way

BIBLICAL TEACHING DELIVERED BY OPTIMIST IBK IN THE PROGRAMME OF THE ORILE YOUTH WEEK  TAGGED: THE Trinity Sermon Subject: The More Excellence Way. Introduction: We live in a society where mediocrity is the normal norms; many people do as little as they can to get by, they don’t take pride in their work, in which they are. If someone is watching they will perform one way, but if nobody is watching, they will cut corners and take the easy way. We live in a world where the people respect the trinity in the presence of the trinity people and do the other way round in the present of ungodly people, which gives ungodly people the room to insult God and their minister of God. God want best from us, God does not bless mediocrity, God bless excellence. If we are with the mentality, thinking that it’s okay to show up late to work, to show up late to church, to serve with pretense, the excellence of God will be exempted. When you have an excellent spirit, you do

How To Effectively Overcome Masturbation

I want to make it clear as early as possible in this article that my only intention for addressing this topic is to help liberate everyone that is currently under the bondage of self-gratification. I am not trying to make a point of “holier than thou.” Allow me to immediately go straight to the point. Before I begin to go to the list of how to overcome masturbation and other sex addictions, let me make one more point. When I talk about how wrong masturbation is, I am not really referring to wet dreams. The wet dream experience is almost impossible to control, because the person this happens to is usually asleep or in a state of unconsciousness when it happens. I also don’t think that cases where individuals engage in the act of masturbation occasionally and unintentionally, could be regarded as carrying the same consequences as those that I wrote about in my previous article. When you are set free from something as dangerous as masturbation, it does not always happen once and for