Official Letter from Brain Tracy to Optimist Ibk

Hi Optimist Ibk,
Much of my success – if not all of it – I would attribute to one single thing…
Can you take a guess at what it is?
Well, it wasn’t that I came from a wealthy family, or even got good grades in high school.
In fact, when I was still a teenager, I became aware for the first time that many other families seemed to be doing far better than we were…
They had nicer homes, newer clothes, and better cars.
They seemed to not worry about money like we did…
And they seemed to be able to afford many things my family couldn’t dream of.
Then, I had the first revelation that began changing the course of my life…
It dawned on me one day that if I ever wanted things to change for me, then it was up to ME to change.
I eventually decided that I wasn’t going to spend the rest of my life being dirt poor, going without food, or sleeping on the ground.
Fast forward to just a few years later…
I began my career in sales, learned and modeled myself after the top salesman, and eventually my sales were so high that my company made me a sales manager.
From there, my sales continued to increase and things only began to spiral upward…
And the one big thing I would credit my success to is LEARNING.
I learned from books, I learned from audio programs, I learned from seminars, and I learned from top experts in their field by simply asking for help…
Because I believe continuous learning is so vital, I’ve put together a new training program that will not only allow you to learn, retain, and recall things at double (or triple) the pace…
But it will also help you to communicate better, think clearer, and accelerate your levels of personal performance and productivity - so that YOU TOO can get the same competitive advantage that I – along with millions of others – have developed.
And you can get it this week for 25% off using coupon code: LEARN25!
It doesn’t matter what profession you’re in…
It doesn’t matter what kind of grades you got in school…
And it doesn’t even matter where you are now at this very moment.
I’ll be telling you more about this course in my next email… but if you’re sick of waiting for your own transformation, you can see the course here now.
To your continued success,

Brian Tracy

 Join Optimist Ibk on Facebook @ optimist-ibk and twitter/instagram: optimistIbk


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