Your Guide In 2017

Let it guide You, where ever and whichever way you go. You need it as a manual for your life. As Christians , there's an understanding that we have a manual to follow, to guide us, so we don't miss our way. 
There are just some things you cannot do as a Christian. 
Ladies, as the year is rounding up, I want us to look back and reflect on our lives . how have we been living?

Is it a life God would be proud of. That's the person you should be very concerned about. Even if nobody else is seeing You, God is. How do you treat your partner. Is God going to be proud of you. 
How do you treat the people around You?
How do you interact with your friends. 
Are you portraying Christ? 

I heard a statement some days back from a man. He said what is the meaning of all the make up you put on when you don't have a good atittude. He was talking to a lady, and the thing struck me. 

Let our lives, attitude, behaviours portray Christ.. .

Bible says ' Looking up to Jesus....
That should be our standard...
Are you following his ways not just because you want a good marriage, blessed career, fine car etc. 

But because you Love him, and want to get to know him more..Matt 6: 33 when you do this, every other thing would fall in to place. 
The bible should guide you In all your ways in this life, it cannot lead you wrong. Anything that is again at the Word word of God, you should discard It!
Every word of God is pure...
God honours his word!

Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path. 
The little things around You, it would show You, then the path to take, long would direct you...

Don't Joke with your life Ladies, Be serious about it. 
Meditate on his Words, Let them find expression in you..

Let me conclude with these...
Joshua 1: 8 
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written there in, for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success. 

2017 shall be glorious for us all!
Remain Blessed...


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