Nailing Down the Financial Strategy Before Marriage

Within the orbit of my discussion today with some ladies, I find out to believe in this theory.

Economic and financial issues probably cause more marital problem than any other area. Continual disagreements over money or financial management practices cause serious hurt and injury to any relationship.

Long before they say they say "I DO" couples should discuss and nail down the financial strategy they will take into marriage.
1. Will husband alone work outside the home, or will both husband and wife work?
2. Will they work a job as an employee of someone else or will they start their own business?
3. In economic affairs, will both partner know how much they earn?
4. Will the responsibility of the expense base on both partner or a partner (paying the light bill, puting the gas in the car, rent payment, investment,  insurance children fees, "the main starting point of the discussion" hair-plaiting etc)?

But my conclusion on this is that,  there is no room in marriage for division, especially over finance, ultimately, division will distroy the relationship.  Jesus said "Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall" (Lk. 11:17b)

Couples need to work together and be equally knowledgeable about the financial affairs of household because they are partner in marriage. They need to be in matual agreement about how and who and when and what will they spend there money .

Noting can start a financial argument faster than the discovery that one partner spent money outside the ageed-upon guidelines without discussing it with the other partner first.

Discussion credited to Bolu Itohan, Damola Faith,  Praiz Lawson and Precious Damilola Kolade


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